October 28, 2010

Donuts and Democracy

President Obama might be there, no promises.
In honor of the greatest holiday of all, Election Day, the College Democrats are holding our first official event since reforming.

"Donuts and Democracy" will be held on November 2nd from 8:30-11AM in the Student Organizations' Area (2nd floor of the Commons).

There will be plenty of FREE donuts, bagels, coffee, and everything else you could want to eat before heading to the polls. Everyone is welcome regardless of political orientations.  You can come just to eat or stick around and talk democracy.

RSVP on Facebook and invite your friends.

October 27, 2010

Don't Crash the Tea Party

This was the lesson learned by a MoveOn.org activist when she attempted to exercise one of her First Amendment rights.  A right which the Tea Party claims to protect.

Lauren Valle, 23, was protesting at the Kentucky Senate debate between Tea Party favorite Rand Paul and Democratic nominee Jack Conway.  When she tried to get closer to Paul, Valle was pushed to the ground by a couple of infuriated supporters.  Then, an older male Tea Partier prepared to "curb stomp" her, while bystanders yelled for police.

Paul's campaign issued a statement condemning the behavior of his supporters, but I don't think he's returned their campaign contributions.

See the action for yourself:


Did you know we have a Tea Partier who represents a district which is less then 15 minutes away from UMBC?  Check out this post on Warren Miller and his cool poster!

October 26, 2010

9A, We've Got a Problem!

Yeah...that is one of our state delegates.
I (probably along with many of you) am from Maryland District 9A.  The district is based in Howard County, covering most of Ellicott City.  Currently, we have three Republicans representing us in Annapolis.

There is State Senator Allan Kittleman, and State Delegates Gail Bates and Warren Miller (pictured to the left...the one with the sign...and "Keep the change" t-shirt).  While Kittleman has proven himself moderate, our delegates are anything but.

Miller, especially, has gone as far as aligning himself with the radical Tea Party.  Both delegates continuously support business interests over the voters of Howard County.  We now have our chance to change that.

Bates and Miller are currently facing two Democratic challengers in November's election.  Candidates Jon Weinstein and Maryann Maher are vowing to take the residents of 9A in a new direction if they make it to Annapolis.

Check out the candidates' respective campaign sites and then get out to the polls!


October 25, 2010

Two Days, Two Polls: O'Malley Expands Lead

According to two recent polls, Gov. O'Malley appears to be poised for reelection on Nov. 2nd.  We personally never expected otherwise.

Over the weekend, The Baltimore Sun released poll results that showed O'Malley has a 14-point lead over former Gov. Ehrlich.  On Monday, The Washington Post released an additional poll with similar results.

The latest polls follow months of hard fought campaigning (a rematch had been speculated between the 2006 rivals before either of them had officially entered the race), numerous campaign ads, three debates, and some recent high profile visits to the state.  Last Thursday, O'Malley held a rally in Federal Hill with former President Clinton, while Ehrlich took to a farm this weekend with failed presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani and a strategically placed dump truck.

Throughout the campaign season, many of the polls asking "If the election for Maryland governor were held today, for whom would you vote?" have shown favor to O'Malley.  Now that early voting has begun we can only hope the same people participating in the polls are heading out to vote.

See the full results of The Post's poll here.

October 22, 2010

We LOVE Early Voting!

Early voting for the general election starts in Maryland today!
That's right, thanks to early voting, registered voters in Maryland have no excuse not to make it to the polls!  Early voting starts today and goes until next Thursday, the 28th.  Polling stations will be open everyday, except Sunday, from 10AM - 8PM.  You can find your county's early voting stations and everything else you could ever want to know about voting early here.

If you must wait, the general election will be held on November 2nd (The same day as Donuts and Democracy!  Coincidence? I think not.)

So go, go out and vote...unless you plan to vote for Ehrlich, in which case you should take the time to consider the potentially detrimental choice you are about to make.

October 20, 2010

Minutes - October 20th, 2010

UMBC College Democrats
Meeting Minutes 10/20/10

1.      John Sarbanes Campaign needs volunteers
·         Phone banking—on campus
·         John Sarbanes has also offered to visit the club
o   Try to have it during regular Wed. meeting time
o   OR have it an earlier time
o   Invite people to come and have substantial issues to talk about!!

2.      Donuts and Democracy- Mitch has been working on this
·         Election Day Event (Nov. 2) from 8AM-11AM
·         Behind the game room (near SEB room)
·         Need volunteers
o   Set up/clean up/during
o   Email Mitch at umbccollegedems@gmail.com

3.      County Executive Debate from last Tuesday (10/12)
·         Mixed messages (weren’t enough volunteers AND thanks for sponsoring)

4.      Rally with Bill Clinton for Governor O’Malley—Oct. 21, gates open at 3:00pm in Federal Hill

5.      Rally to Restore Sanity- October 30

6.      Debate between O’Malley and Ehrlich Oct. 21 (WOLB-AM radio) 7AM

7.      Generally need volunteers to canvass, phone bank, and work the polls on election day
·         An email will be sent to coordinate possible election day volunteers

8.      Early voting begins Friday and ends October 28 (polls are closed on Sunday Oct. 24) from 10 AM – 8PM

9.      Constitution that was approved last meeting has been accepted by SGA 

October 17, 2010

Meeting this week!

We will be having a general meeting this Wednesday at 4PM.  It will be held in Commons 331.  There will be a lot of discussion about the upcoming elections and ways to help the Dems win.  We will also talk about our upcoming Election Day event, Donuts and Democracy.

Hope to see a lot of new faces!

If you'd like to be reminded of our meetings e-mail us at umbccollegedems@gmail.com and ask to be added to our mailing list.

October 15, 2010

The Great Debate(s)

Maryland's gubernatorial candidates participated in two televised debates this week.  On Monday, Gov. Martin O'Malley and former Gov. Bob Ehrlich took to the studio of WJZ to talk about their respective records as governor, and the issues facing Maryland over the next four years.  On Thursday, they headed to The Washington Post and did much of the same.

We think O'Malley came out on top, and thanks to his campaign you can see for yourself:

Debate One - Monday, October 11th

Debate Two - Thursday, October 14th

Though Ehrlich claimed victory, we could not find any of this footage on his campaign website.  Hiding something, Bob?

October 11, 2010

More on education

Last week I caused a bit of controversy with my argument that former Gov. Ehrlich's plan to cut funding, in order to fulfill fiscally irresponsible campaign promises, might undercut the accomplishments of Maryland schools under current Gov. O'Malley.  To name a few:

Graduation Rate Rises, Dropout Rate Falls for Class of 2010 
Maryland Students Make Broad Gains on National Test 
Maryland Awarded $250 Million Race to the Top Grant 

Obviously (as I am writing for the College Democrats), it was implied that O'Malley is the stronger candidate when it comes to education.  I stand by that argument, but some people wanted more information.  In that case, you can read what the National Education Association, who recently awarded the governor with their "America's Greatest Education Governor" award, has to say.

You're also welcome to take a look at Ehrlich's campaign website, where they promise "Governor Bob Ehrlich will continue to invest in our public schools and ensure that all of our students and teachers are the primary beneficiaries of those investments."  Isn't that a contradiction?


Like what you see?  "Like" us on Facebook!

For more information on Maryland education and the importance of funding check out the links after the break.

October 9, 2010

O'Malley vs. Ehrlich: Round two (three, four, etc)


As election day gets closer and closer, Gov. Martin O'Malley and former Gov. Robert Ehrlich have scheduled several upcoming debates.  It will be the first time the two candidates have debated since the 2006 election season when O'Malley successfully defeated Ehrlich in the race for Maryland's top office .  

The first debate will be televised this Monday at 7PM on WJZ (you can RSVP on our Facebook page).  Two additional radio debates have been scheduled for later in the month, Oct. 21st on WOLB from 8AM-9AM and Oct. 22 on WTOP.

Make sure to tune in!

October 7, 2010

Ehrlich wants to do what?!

Now, I don't claim to know much in the way of policy when it comes to politics, but tell me if you can see the contradiction in these two Baltimore Sun articles:

1) "Md. High School Graduation Rate Climbs"

2) "Ehrlich Would Cut School Funding to Offset Tax Rollback"

The first article touches on the fact Maryland's graduation rate is the highest it has been in 11 years.  It specifically notes the achievements of Baltimore City schools "where nearly 1,500 fewer students left high school last year than in 2007."  Seems like they should be rewarded, right?

Well, not according to former (and I hope it stays that way) Governor Robert Ehrlich.  The second article gives insight into the Republican gubernatorial candidate's plan for education..."chop $126 million in education funding that goes primarily to Baltimore and Montgomery and Prince George's counties."

I realize the first article doesn't really touch on the importance of funding, but let's be real, when isn't funding important?  Without the necessary funding, the graduation rate may likely be headed right back to where it was before O'Malley took office.



October 6, 2010

Minutes - October 6th, 2010

 1.      New constitution
·        A new constitution was reviewed and approved
·        Title change from “chairman” to “chair” and “vice chairman” to “vice chair”

2.      Election Day Event: “Donuts and Democracy”
·        November 2, 2010
·        Offer donuts and encourage people to vote
o   Cannot actually hold a registration drive because of logistics
·        Last day to register to vote is October 12
·        Early voting is October 22-28

3.      Campaigns need volunteers
·        Some mentioned include:
o   John Sarbanes (Congress)
o   42nd District (delegate)
o   31st District (delegate)
o   Governor O’Malley

4.      Baltimore County Executive Candidates Debate
·        Sponsored by UMBC College Democrats, UMBC College Republicans, and UMBC Department of Public Policy
·        7:00-8:30 PM in the UC Ballroom
·        Kevin Kamenetz (Dem) and Kenneth Holt (Rep) will debate issues facing Baltimore County
·        It is free, open to the public, and audience questions are encouraged

5.      Rally with President Obama
Governor Martin O’Malley,
Senator Barbara Mikulski,
Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown,
Congresswoman Edwards,
Majority Leader Hoyer,and Congressman Van Hollen
·        Where: Bowie State
·        When: Tomorrow, October 7, 2010; suggested arrival time is 1:00, but should get there earlier
·        Possible carpool was discussed

October 2, 2010

General Meetings

Our organization will be meeting every other Wednesday starting the week of October 4th (10/6, 10/20, 11/3, 11/17, 12/1).  Meetings will include presentations, discussions, guest speakers, and more.  We hope to see you there!

Mailing List

If you're reading this, you've probably discovered that the College Democrats at UMBC are back in action.  We're aiming to make a larger and longer lasting impact than our last incarnation.  Along with this blog, our Facebook, and general meetings, we'll also be maintaining a mailing list.

E-mail umbccollegedems@gmail.com in order to be added to the list, and kept up-to-date all year long.  We can't wait to work with you!